Love, Joy, Peace...
Valley Church Membership Application

The Pastors, Elders, Church Board and Members of Lynn Valley Full Gospel Church invite you to become a member.

You do not have to be a registered member of the Lynn Valley Full Gospel Church to be a part of its fellowship. You are already an important part of this body as an adherent to its faith and service. But, if you make this church your regular place of worship, we invite you to declare your commitment by becoming a registered member because...

• Registered members constitute the legal body of this church.

• Registered members can vote on any matters affecting the pastoral office, church property or other legal business of the church. 

• Increasing governmental pressures give official recognition only to the registered membership roll.

• Only as the registered membership growth keeps pace with numerical increase can the voting body be truly representative of the whole church body. Your voice and input is important, and as a registered member you can set forward a motion in a congregation business meeting of the church.

• Since officers of the church are recommended from the registered membership, true representation is reflected by your participation in the registered church membership.

You're Part of a Big Family!

• Our church is a member of the Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada Inc., (A.C.O.P.) churches in Canada, as well as numerous missionary outreaches in many parts of the world.

• Our church is also a registered member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

• On a local level, it is our desire to work with all the Christian churches in presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people on the North Shore.

What You Should Know about Membership:

Our church is governed by guidelines that are outlined in our constitution and by-laws.

Each member must:

1.     Have made a solemn declaration that he or she has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour (according to John 1:2, 3:3,16).

2.    Have submitted to the ordinance of water baptism by immersion.

3.    Have regularly attended services and gathering of the Church for at least six (6) months preceding application for membership.

4.     Agree to exercise his/her rights and obligations :
    - To seek to live a consistent life for Christ
    - To participate in the work of the Church as they seek to uphold the Name of the Lord by voluntarily offering their God-given talents and ministries.
    - To work and minister in harmony with the Church leadership, as well as their fellow members, expressing Christian love for each other.
    - To make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).
    - To support the work of the church by contributing tithes and offerings as the Lord prospers them.
    - To have their membership automatically renewed by signing the Membership Renewal List for the Annual General Meeting.
    - New members may sign up at any time during the year. Applications and the Membership List shall be finalized no later than 7 days prior to the called General Meeting date.
    - To endeavour to attend the Annual General Meeting, and so remain on the Membership List as a Member in good standing.
    - All Attendees at an Annual or Special General Meeting may take part in discussions related to church matters,  but only members may vote.

5.    Be eighteen (18) years of age or over.

6.    Agree, in principle, with the Statement of Faith.

7.    Fill out an application and questionnaire form (below), which is to be approved by the elders.

Our Statement of Faith

1. In the Bible as the Inspired Word of God, which is without error in the original scriptures, and, therefore, the supreme authority in all matters of conduct.

2. In the eternal existence of one God, the creator of the heavens and earth, who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. In the creation, test and fall of man, his total spiritual depravity and inability to attain divine righteousness. 

4. In Jesus Christ, the Saviour of men, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, very God and very man.

5. In the Good News of the Gospel; how Christ died for the atonement of our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day for our justification.

6. In the bodily ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us.

7. In the salvation for sinners, by grace alone, through faith in the perfect and sufficient work of Christ on our behalf on the cross of Calvary.

8. In Water Baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as an act of obedience to the will of the Heavenly Father, an expression of our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and a response to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

9. In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience subsequent to salvation, which is the endowment of God's power on our lives to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives the ability.

10. In the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are now given to believers to be exercised in the Church for the edification of the Body of Christ, according to the guidelines given in 1 Corinthians 14.

11. In the Spirit-filled life; our total dependence on the Holy Spirit's power to live a life of separation from the world and of the perfecting of holiness as a true expression of Christian faith.

12. In the experience of divine healing and miracles in their many aspects, as experienced in the ministry of Christ on earth and in the early church.

13. In the ordinance of the Lord's Supper for all believers, as an act which remembers the Lord Jesus' death and His coming again, and which acknowledges our common fellowship in the one Body of Christ. 

14. In the eternal life of the believer and eternal punishment of the unbeliever.

15. In Christ's ascension, when he gave gifts to men; some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of believers, for works of service, and for the building up of the Body of Christ which is His Church.

16. In the imminent and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Church.

17. In the reality and person of Satan, the enemy of God and adversary of the Church, whose head Christ bruised at Calvary when he overcame, conquered and sealed Satan's doom.

Valley Church Mission Statement

"We exist to reconnect people to God and see them become all that He intended them to be."

If you have any questions regarding membership, please call the church office for an interview with one of our pastors or elders (604-980-0307). They are happy to discuss any questions or concerns you might have regarding membership at Valley Church.

Lynn Valley Full Gospel Church
1160 E.29th Street, North Vancouver V7K 1C2
Phone: 604-980-0307

Application for Registered Membership:

Name: (Required)
First and Last Name
Address: (Required)
Birthdate: (Required)
Phone: (Required)
How did you hear about Valley Church?
At the time were you... (Required)
Have you been regularly attending Valley Church for at least 6 months? (Required)
Which Celebration Service have you been attending? (Required)
Are you involved in a Growth Group? (Required)
If so, what is the leader's name of your Growth Group?
Do you have gifts or abilities that you would like to share with the Body of Christ at Valley Church? Please specify:
When did you make a commitment to Christ as your personal Saviour? (Required)
Have you been baptized in water by immersion? (Required)
Do you believe in the Statement of Faith of Valley Church? (Required)
While no individual is denied personal opinions and views of certain Bible teachings, will you, for the sake of unity, endeavour to refrain from promoting any doctrines contrary to our Statement of Faith? (Required)
As God enables you, will you financially support this church? (Required)
Will you submit in love to the pastoral leadership of Valley Church? (Required)
I hereby state my request for registered membership with the rights and privileges granted thereby to those registered with this church. (Required)
Please type your full name as proof of signature
Date (Required)
Lynn Valley Full Gospel Church
1160 29th Street East, North Vancouver, BC V7K 1C2
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